
Professor Dr. Ernesto J. Calvo (Argentina)

Full Professor of Universidad de Buenos Aires, (Argentina), Senior Research Fellow of CONICET and Director of INQUIMAE INQUIMAE (UBA-CONICET). Msc. of Chemistry at Universidad de Buenos Aires (1975), PhD Chemistry at Universidad Nacional de La Plata (1979), posdoctoral Research Fellow at Imperial College, London, UK (Chemistry Department and Material Science Departments), (1979-1982) and Senior Research Associate at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, US, (1983-1984).

Dr. Calvo has reached international recognition in electrochemistry, has been elected Vice-president of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) in 2009-2011, has published more than 180 peer reviewed papers in international scientific journals, h index 42 (Google Scholar), several international patents, has supervised 20 PhD Theses. Dr. Calvo has received several prizes and recognitions: John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship (2000), Konex Medal (2003), Funprecit Prize on Technology Development (2004), Fellow de la Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC (2006), uk, Fellow of the International Society of Pure and Applied Chenistry (IUPAC), Bernardo Houssay Award in Chemistry Química (2005), National Award in Science, Ministry of Education and Science (Argentina 2005), Innovate award for “Nanocatalists”, (2008), Schumacher Award for 2012-2017 period on Physical Chemistry from the Argentine Society of chemistry (AQA), Bright Minds Challenge, Amsterdam. DSM-Accenture. (2017), Perfil Award in Science and Technology 2017.

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